6 tips for surviving an armed robbery

When going about your day-to-day life the threat of armed robbery is probably very low on your list of worries. Even though your chances of being a victim are slim, the fact is there are thousands of muggings a year in the USA and there is a chance you could be one of the unlucky ones. Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is part of the martial arts ethos, so in this article I will share some key tips for surviving an armed robbery. 

1. Stay Calm 

When being accosted by an armed mugger your body will flood with adrenaline. People who are not used to these extremely high stress situations have no way of knowing how they will react . Do not behave in a way that will add more drama to an already highly volatile situation. You may want to flee the scene, or attempt to fight, or resist the robber. You may feel like screaming, or you may feel like shutting down and not moving or responding. Fighting these responses will give you the best chance of surviving the situation. Take a deep breath and be compliant with what the crook demands. 

2. Always be compliant 

The most important rule of surviving an armed robbery is to be compliant with the robber's demands. A mugger's goals are pretty basic; intimidate you into parting with your cash and valuables as fast as possible and then make a swift getaway. Remember, someone who is mugging you is a very desperate person. They may be on drugs and will likely not respond well to resistance. Do not give a volatile person any reason to use a weapon on you which could result in injury, or worse, for yourself or others around you. 

3. Talk your way to safety 

When a mugger approaches you and makes his intent to rob you known make it clear that you will not hinder him. Put your hands up and say "take whatever you want", then talk your way through the process. If he says "give me your wallet" then before you reach for it let him know you are reaching for it by saying "I am reaching for my wallet now". Quickly and unexpectedly  thrusting your hand into your jacket pocket and whipping out your wallet may startle the thief and cause him to react unfavourably. Make slow, deliberate movements and talk the robber through what you are doing. 

4. Do not be a hero

Your life is far more important than any material possession you could be carrying with you and if the robber is armed with a gun or a knife then chances are extremely high that you will get hurt, or worse, if you try to disarm or attack the robber. Even for someone like myself, who is a highly trained martial artist with over a decade of experience, I still would not risk trying to disarm a mugger. Let me put it this way, even if there is a 99% chance that I would be successful in disarming the crook it is simply not worth risking my life over. So, swallow your pride and realise that sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.

5. Pay close attention 

While the robbery is underway study the thief and take in as much information about him as you can. His face and attire, his build. Does he have any distinguishing marks like tattoos or scars? Does he have a particular accent? All of this information may be useful to the police. If he leaves the scene in a car try to remember the licence plate. As soon as the thief is out of view call the police straight away and inform them.  Then write down as much as you can remember or make a voice memo in your phone. Your memory can play tricks on you so make the reminder while it is still fresh. 

6. Keep an eye on your mental state 

Even thought you remained calm, controlled your emotions and got through the experience unscathed dealing with a terrifying event like an armed robbery can take a great toll on your mental state. If you feel unsettled and shaken speak to a trained counsellor; it will be helpful to mentally process what has happened. 

So, commit these tips to memory and internalise their message. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. 

Three amazing true stories of a choke hold saving the day


We have all seen it on TV shows and movies countless times: the spy/soldier/kung fu master sneaking up behind an adversary and rendering them unconscious with a Vulcan nerve pinch or a swift karate chop. So effortless, so easy, so cool. While this looks great on the big screen  the chances of it working in real life are almost zero. However, there is a real-life technique that is  effective and is one of the first grappling attacks a martial arts student learns. The rear naked choke, when applied correctly, compresses the carotid arteries preventing blood entering the brain and rendering the recipient unconscious - in as little as two seconds. Once the hold is released consciousness is regained quickly with no lasting effects. Here are three stories all featuring extreme bravery and a choke hold. 

63 year old man protects his wife and subdues robber 

Five foot six Fred Kemp and his wife were getting into their car one night in Florida when out of the darkness came a man threatening them with a gun. Fearing for his wife's safety Mr Kemp reacted immediately. All his martial arts skill, honed as a university wrestler many years before, came rushing back.

"He started to hit me" a bruised but cheerful Mr Kemp explained, "so I reacted from there. I got him out into the street and held his arm. I foot-swept him down and I was trying to get a hold of the gun. He banged me up a little bit but my main concern was the gun".

Mr Kemp's training kicked in in earnest and he applied a rear naked choke to the robber, who fell unconscious enabling Mr Kemp to disarm him. Mr Kemp was then able to hold him down until the police arrived.

"He asked me to let him go when I had him down," Mr Kemp said. "I said, 'No, I'm not going to do that.'

Even out-of-practice martial artists can fall back on their skills when they are threatened. Clearly Mr Kemp's instincts stuck with him and he was smart enough to rely on his wrestling when danger found him.  


Boy Tackles pit bull and saves friend and her puppy 


Nine year old  Drew Heredia was out with his friend Susie. They were taking Susie's dog, a dachshund puppy, for a walk when all of a sudden a ferocious pit bull rottweiler crossbreed  jumped out on them and snatching up the puppy in his jaws began shaking it wildly. Susie rushed forward to save her puppy. Her challenge prompted the snarling dog to drop the puppy and turn its attentions to Susie biting her viciously in the leg.  

Without hesitating, Drew leapt on the savage dog and applied the rear naked choke hold he had been learning at his local Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school.  The dog loosened its grip and Susie was able to escape. 

"It was kind of a heart pounding moment." Drew said "It was very scary."

Drew held and subdued the aggressive dog in the choke hold for 20 minutes until animal control officers arrived.

Susie was taken to hospital and treated for puncture wounds. Her injuries would have been a lot worse had it not been for the quick thinking and bravery of Drew. The little dachshund was not badly injured. It ran away during the attack and returned home of its own accord later that day. 

Father takes out cinema gunman with rear naked choke

Ben Ahmed, a BJJ student living in France, was at the cinema with his two children. As they were queuing with the rest of the patrons to get their tickets a man stormed in brandishing a shotgun. He robbed the cashier and began moving down the line to rob the terrified customers of their valuables and cash. 

"I went to the movies with my two kids - my daughter and son. - We had planned to go see the movie Superman and went to 21:30 in the queue to get our tickets when I saw a man come up with a shotgun" Ben said 

"I realized that it was neither a police officer nor a practical joke because the cashier immediately started calling for security.”

Ben was reminded of  recent atrocities involving gunmen that had just taken place in the USA including a man opening fire in a crowded cinema costing numerous innocent people their lives. He resolved to do something. 

"My protective instinct overcame the fear… When this gentleman walked past me, I asked my kids to be quiet by telling them that I would come back. It was instinctive, I didn’t think about it, I just saw that there were other people there, other children."

“So I hid behind him, I followed about 8-10 meters and when I felt ready, I grabbed him by using a jiu jitsu method (rear naked choke) then I put him down and switched to side-control to make him release his shotgun.”

Ben restrained the man until the police arrived and then amazingly still went and watched the movie with his children afterwards. 

"I wanted to go and watch it because I thought that would make the incident less traumatic for my children." 

Ben's cool composure, bravery and technique saved not only the day but his family day out.