The benefits of private martial arts lessons 

  • Physical fitness. Your cardiovascular ability, muscle strength, flexibility, and health will improve.  

  • Progress at your own pace. A group martial arts class may be above or below your ability level. With private lessons, you can move at exactly the pace that works best for you. Daruma instructors give you 100% of their attention – you are the priority.

  • Staying injury free. Training with inexperienced people in a poorly supervised environment is a common cause of injury. Our experts will keep you safe and secure throughout your martial arts journey.

  • Learning to defend yourself. Develop the skills that can dissolve conflict and keep you or a loved one safe.

  • Boost confidence. Nothing boosts confidence like feeling great, looking great, and knowing you can protect yourself. Martial arts is the only activity that provides these three cornerstones of confidence. 

  • Convenience. Other schools may not have a time table that works with your schedule. At Daruma, we work for you, on your time. 

  • Martial arts is a fun, full-body workout. You will laugh, smile, and sweat. 

  • Discover discipline and produce results. Martial arts is education for life. The discipline it brings will seep into other areas of your life. If you are consistent and willing to work, you will benefit as a whole person.

We provide expert martial arts instruction at your convenience. Get in touch and one of our instructors will work with you at a time and place that suits you. We can train you in the fitness facility in your building, or even in your apartment if that suits you. Our clients are busy professionals whose fitness regime must fit efficiently into their schedules. 

Our method is not just a workout. While your fitness will certainly improve, we will also provide technical instruction of the highest quality. Learn the mechanics of how to throw a perfect punch or kick. Master submission holds that incapacitate your adversaries.  Strengthen your mind with authentic martial arts philosophy. So try us out.  Burn fat, gain muscle and have fun while learning skills that will be with you for life. Book a trial introductory class today and invest in yourself.